Art and Soul Retreat Teacher Spotlight

I’m featured in this week’s Teacher Spotlight Tuesday on the new Art and Soul Retreat blog along with three other fabulous instructors that will be teaching at Colorado Springs May 28-June 2, 2019! Each week Tuesday is a new teacher feature where you can learn a little bit more about us. Learn about our favorite art supplies, what inspires us, what advice we’d give new artists and more!

Here’s a little sneak peek at my interview:

What's the one art supply that even if you have a studio full of it, you can't resist getting more of? Vintage ledgers! And vintage children’s books/readers or coloring books (even better if it’s full of sweet, kid scribbles!)

What inspires you most in your artwork? Colors, faces and words. Sometimes I get a song lyric or phrase stuck in my head and I have to write it down in my journal or incorporate it into my art somehow. And I am forever drawn to faces….


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